2. Discipline
The discipline started at 11:30 (12:30 in Finland). You have one hour to answer this discipline.
You have to answer a quiz about Hawaiian culture, history and trivia questions. You may and should use search engines to answer these questions.
Points will be awarded for
- correct answers (0-1 points for each question)
- time (3-1x multiplier based on when you submit your form/answers)
Leave answers using the link below. The questions can also be seen on the form.
- What is hello in Hawaiian? What about goodbye?
- When were the islands of Hawaii first discovered by europeans? Who was the one credited for the discovery?
- How many islands does Hawaii have and what is the name of their capital (and largest) city?
- What are Ka´eke`eke, Ipu, Ohe hano ihu and `Ukeke?
- The beaches of Hawaii can be colourful. Name all the colour variants that can be found on the islands?
- How is a machete related to Hawaiian culture?
- In what way is the number 13 meaningful for Hawaiians?
- Who has composed the famous Hawaiian song Aloa Oe and what does the name of the song mean in English?
- What rather odd object is typically mailed from Hawaii instead of a postcard and is even sold in stores and hotel shops for just that purpose?
- For what event were people trained on the Mauna Kea mountain?
- Which pet are you forbidden to own on Hawaii in order to protect the native endangered species in Hawaii?
- Bonus: Does pineapple belong in a pizza?